Thursday 15 January 2009

Predator vs Predator

We always heard or may be ever heared about crocodile attacked other animals likes buffulo, zebra ect. But how about when crocodile have been attacked by  a cheetah.  It`s seen  to be imposible but that is  the jungle rule.  You can read all by yourself at this Link.


Ticer Syah said...

predator ke predeator? i think the spelling is incorrect.. hehe.. macih

mohd nor a.k.a saintis said...

makasih2 ..for sure itu typing error. nak kato camno jari tak bermato...hahah

Ticer Syah said...

We always heard or may be ever heared about crocodile attacked other animals likes buffulo, zebra ect. But how about when crocodile have been attacked by a cheetah. It`s seen to be imposible but that is the jungle rule. You can read all by yourself at this

The corrected version.
We always hear or maybe heard about croc attacking other animals such as buffalos, zebra etc. But what about a cheetah attacked a croc. It seemed impossible but then this is the rule of a jungle. You can read all by yrself at this link.

Gosh AKU.. is this what you want?
correcting every single mistakes in saintis' posting. u must be kidding me! his lecturer is not going to evaluate his writings in his blog. let he did it in his own way. as long as the message is clear, i dont think people will summon him for that particular mistakes..
give him chance to learn the language lah..

and AKU..plez.. GET A LIFE! plez create yr own bloody blog and start writing.. and we will go there to hunt for yr errors.. see whether u like it or not!

Ticer Syah said...

ngengengenge.. ada lagi error.. lantak le AKU.. ko perbetul la plak.. kadang2 otak aku ni pon proses sengal gak.. tapi sengal2 aku pon takde le sesengal ko.. wakakkakakaa... at least aku berani gak tampil ke hadapan dan tak berselindung di sebalik tanpa nama itew.. huhu

Anonymous said...

mak oii yaii..
marah ke tu wahai mama cute..??
hehehehe...jgn marah haaa..
smileeeee... (^_^)

mohd nor a.k.a saintis said...

heheh... tak sia2 aku buat blog nampak sgt ketinggian ilmu dan budi kawan2 aku . bangga aku jadi kawan korang. tp jgn sampai gaduh nanti aku tutup blog ..baru pada muka aku...huhuhh....