Saturday 20 December 2008

I have been tagged

Bangun je pada hari bersejarah ni sambil bermalas-malasan, melakukan rutin menyelongkar alam maya yg membawa kepada `I HAVE BEEN TAGGED`.  Nyesal gi singgah `rumah` anis. tapi cabaran aku tetap jawab. DARE TO TAKE THE CHALLANGE`.And here ur answer
1. do you think you`re hot
YES...i am HOTlink (fikir la sendiri nape yea)
2. Upload 5 pic of you
 you can see up there.
3. why you like that picture?
part of my memories..
4. when was last time you ate pizza
the day before yesterday (As usual...SAIZERIYA)
5. the last song you listen to?
 Can`t Take My Eyes of You- Andy William
6. what are you doing right now beside this?
Thinking of simpozium ( keje yg terbengkalai)
7. what name you prefer beside yours?
Anything as long as it still in `MOHD NOR SHAMSUL BAHARI AL AMIN`
8. people to tag :
Shidah, Yusma korang je pun yg ada blog. plus As
9. who is number one?
Minah kepoh PI-KH 96/99 hahhaha..
10. number three is having relationship with ?
mano la den tau ( pandai je nak korek rahsia org..hhihihiih)
11 . say something about number five
Not in my list
12. how about number four?
Same as above
13. who is no two?
Minah PI-KH 96/99 tapi tak kepoh pun...  hahahha.. ( mati aku kena bunuh ngan dia org)
p/s: not heart feeling syah. your kepoh equal mood maker


~Insan Biasa~ said...

Tq...tq....coz menjawab tag ku ini. Akhirnya aku punya sorang lagi teman untuk di tag di lain masa. Hehehehe

Ticer Syah said...

aku suda jawab dei.. sila refresh blog aku. wakakakak

mohd nor a.k.a saintis said...

lepas ni ada yg main perang tag je ni. :)